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Welcome to the THESEUS research program

Rainer Brüderle, Federal Minister of Economics and Technology: "Within the research program THESEUS, we develop and test new technologies for the Internet of Services. The broad spectrum of high-quality services ranges from innovative search applications for the digital library to modern service offers such as Cloud Computing. Herewith THESEUS allows us to actively shape the digital future. It thus underlines my understanding of a successful integration of economic and technology policies: Scientists, technology providers and users, especially SMEs, are being brought together for a fruitful collaboration. We expect THESEUS to give decisive impulses for further economic growth and employment through ICT."




Einladung zur SMILA Themenkonferenz


  Das Open-Source-Framework SMILA ( - Unified Information Access Architecture - bietet eine zukunftssichere, flexible und hochskalierende Basis für professionelle, semantische Applikationen. Auf der SMILA Themenkonferenz erhalten Sie einen Überblick über SMILA.




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Veranstaltungen im TIZ


Quotes on THESEUS

Prof. Dr Henning Kagermann, former CEO at SAP, states that:  

"THESEUS provides an ideal opportunity to secure a competitive advantage for IT and communication technology in Europe, and particularly Germany".

Further quotes